Author Archive | Helen Bailey


Anxiety-based School Avoidance

Anxiety-based School Avoidance Anxiety-based School Avoidance (ABSA) refers to when a Young Person is unable to attend school due to unusually high levels of anxiety and emotional distress at the thought of attending, usually resulting in prolonged absences from school.  ABSA has many different names depending on where you live or the organisation that you […]

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Helping our children feel happier? 

Contents What is happiness?How can I help my child be happy?What activities can I do to help my child be happier? We are often asked what we want for our children, and a common answer is that we want them to be happy and healthy. But, achieving that is not always easy as children are […]

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Transition to Secondary School

The transition to secondary school from primary is a milestone for most people in their academic journeys and one that should be celebrated. However, for some it can be a daunting and difficult time tainted with worry. Here at Headsup, we do extensive work with pupils in year 6, at primary schools across Devon and […]

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Supporting Your Child Through Exams

If you’ve landed on this blog, then the chances are that you have a child or young person that is finding their way through the tricky season of exams – be it GCSEs, A-Levels or similar. It can be a stressful and worrying time for them and for you too. And, as parents, you want […]

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how to cope with exam stress

How to cope with exam stress and anxiety

Exam season is looming and some of us may be feeling the pressures related to taking those exams and having to make decisions about our next steps. You’re not alone. It is normal to feel some stress in the lead up to important exams or tests and you may experience an increased heart rate, sweaty […]

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