
Being an ambassador … Using your sporting experiences to help young people who struggle with mental health issues … now that’s a way to be a hero off the pitch as well as on.

How it works

HeadsUP is aiming to break the stigma that surrounds mental health by increasing understanding and encouraging people to talk openly about their issues. The project, aimed at young people, reassures them that it’s ok if they’re struggling and promotes ways of maintaining positive mental health.

Research points to the fact that physical activity and involvement in sport are key to maintaining positive mental wellbeing.

HeadsUP will deliver sessions in schools and other community groups to achieve this.

Sessions are made up of a presentation, group discussion and physical activity where possible. In promoting positive mental health we’ll be raising awareness of the help that is available in the local community for anyone who is struggling.

You as an ambassador for HeadsUP

We hope our project is something you feel passionately about and wish to support as part of a longer term partnership. We would be delighted to discuss that opportunity with you further.

More info

Centred in Devon, we will begin the delivery of our sessions in September, with schools signed up to pilot the project. This will allow us to receive vital feedback and finetune the delivery and increase the impact of future sessions. With the project receiving very positive feedback from Devon CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services) Senior Manager, education authorities and local sports teams were in a great position to successfully achieve our objectives.

In order to increase the appeal and ensure the experience is even more engaging for young people, we’re looking to link up with sports personalities who can be part of our sessions. We’re looking for elite athletes who may have experienced issues as well as those who have maintained positive mental health during their careers. In discussing issues, it would strengthen our ideology that ‘It’s OK, to not be OK’ and allow young people to associate with their idols. It is equally as important for young people to hear from you about coping strategies and techniques for keeping positive mental health.

Involvement could be through attending sessions, giving a talk and engaging with students; recording a video that we could play out during our presentations; or providing a quote that could appear in our session and be part of our website.

HeadsUP Mental Health Awareness Ltd is a non-profit organisation and any surpluses will be used to improve access to mental health support and physical activity within the local community.

Thank you for taking the time to read our proposal. We really hope HeadsUP is something you can get involved in at some level. Click here to confirm your interest in being a HeadsUP ambassador.